I am having so much 'fun' decorating my blog. The blogskin won't freaking work, the cbox is screwed too (so if you want to post anything, it's at the bottom of the page i think. sorry guys!) never mind, think happy thoughts...thanks Liyin, Sherina for your help. Man, the afternoon isn't going right. Rain rain rain, the world is screwed. Haha. The rain would be nice if it were on a Friday (Friday holidays) or Saturday morning, waking up in an air-con room to such a pretty sight outside your window.
Sigh...the remedial isn't going to end. For 3 days straight already, i've been going back to school during the "HOLIDAY WEEK". For tomorrow, there's history. I guess it would be nice if there were maths olympiad every day this week. Why?
1) It's maths
2) I love maths
3) It's better than.....something.
Maths lesson today was fun. Probability. What are the chances of that? (pun intended) The best is this. Where would James go in a Venn Diagram where A:{ all girls of 404} and B:{ Those in Band}, with the univeral set being the whole of 404? In A of course! Haha... sorry James buddy, it's just a joke. Sherman shoud go there instead. HAHAHA!
Isn't maths fun? For the benefit of everyone, i am now going to end off with a few formulae that Ms Yeo always stresses on..bye!
sin (A+B) = cosAsinB + sinAcosB
sin (A-B) = cosAsinB - sinAcosB
cos (A+B) = cosAcosB - sin AsinB
cos (A-B) = cosAcosB + sin AsinB
tan (A+B) = (tanA + tanB) / (1 - tanAtanB)
tan (A-B) = (tanA - tanB) / (1 + tanAtanB)
i'll be your light at the end of the tunnel...